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Topic: Automatic Index

Usuario: 4kstore
Rango: Moderador Global
Mensajes: 4916
Points: 8111
Mi web: http://www.smfsimple.com
Perfil: View Profile
Automatic Index
September 26, 2011 - 11:19 23:19
Link Mod

Automatic Index

Indice de Idiomas:

Archivos a modificar:
Code: [Select]

Cadenas a modificar:
Code: [Select]
<file name="$languagedir/Modifications.english.php">
<search position="end" />
|   SimpleMachinesForum
|   ========================================
|   SMF © 2006-2009, Simple Machines LLC
|   http://www.simplemachines.org
|   > Automatic Index
| > Version: 2.4
|   > Author: 4kstore & vicram10
| > Support: http://www.customsmf.net http://www.simplemachines.org/community/index.php
|   > Powered by:  http://www.customsmf.net
global $context, $settings;
$txt['auto_index_settings_title'] = 'General Settings';
$txt['auto_index_menu_button'] = 'Automatic Index';
$txt['auto_index_title'] = 'Automatic Index';
$txt['auto_index_description'] = 'Module - General Settings';
$txt['auto_index_guests'] = 'Allow Guest to view index';
$txt['auto_index_boards'] = 'Select the forums that will appear in the Automatic Index
<br />CTRL + click, if you want selected specific forums';
$txt['auto_index_active'] = '<span style=color:red><strong>Enable AutoIndex Mod?</strong></span>';
$txt['auto_index_qty_new_day'] = 'Amount of day so that a Message is considered still like New.
<br />Default Value = 7';
$txt['bn_select_all'] = 'Select All';
$txt['btn_save'] = 'Save';
//End Admin
$txt['auto_index_show_title'] = 'Automatic Generator Index';
$txt['auto_index_show_boards'] = 'Select Forum that you want show?';
$txt['auto_index_show_all'] = 'All Topics';
$txt['auto_index_show_button'] = 'Submit';
$txt['auto_index_show_button2'] = 'Back';
$txt['auto_index_show_new'] = 'Only The New Topics';
$txt['auto_index_show_cantidad'] = 'Total Topics: ';
$txt['auto_index_show_cantNuevos'] = 'Total New Topics: ';
$txt['auto_index_show_title1'] = 'Forum Automatic Index: ';
$txt['auto_index_show_new_message'] = 'The lines marked with <img src="'. $settings['images_url'] . '/'. $context['user']['language'] .'/new.gif" alt="New"/> they correspond to posts new between ';
$txt['auto_index_show_go'] = 'Go To: ';
$txt['auto_index_show_author'] = 'Author';
$txt['auto_index_show_letter'] = 'Letters';
$txt['auto_index_show_nuevo'] = 'New';
$txt['auto_index_show'] = 'Show';
$txt['auto_index_process'] = 'Process!!!';
$txt['auto_index_row'] = 'arrow';
$txt['auto_index_powered'] = 'Powered by:';
$txt['auto_index_based'] = 'Based by Argento Coders Team Index Script';
//End AutoIndex mod v1.0

//No active mod?
$txt['auto_index_error_no_active'] = 'The Auto Index Mod, is disabled.';
//End Automatic Index v2.1


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Usuario: 4kstore
Rango: Moderador Global
Mensajes: 4916
Points: 8111
Mi web: http://www.smfsimple.com
Perfil: View Profile
Re:Automatic Index
Reply #1 September 26, 2011 - 11:23 23:23

Code: [Select]
<file name="$languagedir/Modifications.italian.php" error="skip">
<search position="end" />
|   SimpleMachinesForum
|   ========================================
|   SMF © 2006-2009, Simple Machines LLC
|   http://www.simplemachines.org
|   > Automatic Index
| > Version: 2.4
|   > Author: 4kstore & vicram10
| > Support: http://www.customsmf.net http://www.simplemachines.org/community/index.php
|   > Powered by:  http://www.customsmf.net
global $context, $settings;
$txt['auto_index_settings_title'] = 'Impostazioni Generali';
$txt['auto_index_menu_button'] = 'Indici Automatici';
$txt['auto_index_title'] = 'Indici Automatici';
$txt['auto_index_description'] = 'Configurazione Generale del Modulo';
$txt['auto_index_guests'] = 'Permette agli ospiti di vedere gli indici';
$txt['auto_index_active'] = '<span style=color:red><strong>Attivare AutoIndex Mod?</strong></span>';
$txt['auto_index_boards'] = 'Seleziona il forum che apparirà nell\'indice';
$txt['auto_index_qty_new_day'] = 'Numero di giorni che un messaggio è considerato ancora come nuovo
<br />Valore predefinito = 7';
$txt['bn_select_all'] = 'Seleziona Tutto';
$txt['btn_save'] = 'Salva';
//End Admin
$txt['auto_index_show_title'] = 'Generatore di Indici Automatici';
$txt['auto_index_show_boards'] = 'Seleziona il forum che si desidera consultare';
$txt['auto_index_show_all'] = 'Tutti i Messaggi';
$txt['auto_index_show_button'] = 'Consulta';
$txt['auto_index_show_button2'] = 'Ritorno';
$txt['auto_index_show_new'] = 'Solo i Nuovi Messaggi';
$txt['auto_index_show_cantidad'] = 'Totale dei Messaggi Inviati: ';
$txt['auto_index_show_cantNuevos'] = 'Totale dei Messaggi Nuovi: ';
$txt['auto_index_show_title1'] = 'Indici Automatici del forum: ';
$txt['auto_index_show_new_message'] = 'Le linee tracciate con <img src="'. $settings['images_url'] . '/'. $context['user']['language'] .'/new.gif" alt="New"/> corrispondono a nuovi messaggi tra ';
$txt['auto_index_show_go'] = 'Vai a: ';
$txt['auto_index_show_author'] = 'Autore';
$txt['auto_index_show_letter'] = 'Lettera';
$txt['auto_index_show_nuevo'] = 'Nuovo';
$txt['auto_index_show'] = 'Visualizza';
$txt['auto_index_process'] = 'Elaborazione!!!';
$txt['auto_index_row'] = 'freccia';
$txt['auto_index_powered'] = 'Creato da:';
$txt['auto_index_based'] = 'Basato sulla sceneggiatura di Argento Coders Team Index Script';
//End AutoIndex mod v1.0

//No active mod?
$txt['auto_index_error_no_active'] = 'L\'Indice Automatico Mod, è disabilitato.';
//End Automatic Index v2.1


Usuario: 4kstore
Rango: Moderador Global
Mensajes: 4916
Points: 8111
Mi web: http://www.smfsimple.com
Perfil: View Profile
Re:Automatic Index
Reply #2 September 26, 2011 - 11:31 23:31

Code: [Select]
$txt['auto_index_show_title'] = 'Gerador de &Iacute;ndices Autom&aacute;ticos';
$txt['auto_index_show_boards'] = 'Seleccione o quadro que quer consultar';
$txt['auto_index_show_all'] = 'Todas as Mensagens';
$txt['auto_index_show_button'] = 'Consultar';
$txt['auto_index_show_button2'] = 'Voltar atr&aacute;s';
$txt['auto_index_show_new'] = 'Apenas novas mensagens';
$txt['auto_index_show_cantidad'] = 'Total de Mensagens Publicadas: ';
$txt['auto_index_show_cantNuevos'] = 'Total de Mensagens Novas: ';
$txt['auto_index_show_title1'] = '&Iacute;ndices Autom&aacute;ticos do f&oacute;rum: ';
$txt['auto_index_show_new_message'] = 'As linhas margadas com <img src="'. $settings['images_url'] . '/'. $context['user']['language'] .'/new.gif" alt="New"/> correspondem a novas mensagens entre ';
$txt['auto_index_show_go'] = 'Ir para: ';
$txt['auto_index_show_author'] = 'Autor';
$txt['auto_index_show_letter'] = 'Letra';
$txt['auto_index_show_nuevo'] = 'Novo';
$txt['auto_index_show'] = 'Mostrar ';
$txt['auto_index_process'] = 'A processar...';
$txt['auto_index_row'] = 'seta';
$txt['auto_index_powered'] = 'Criado Por:';
$txt['auto_index_based'] = 'Baseado no script de Argento Coders Team Index Script';
//End AutoIndex mod v1.0

//Board is selected into then admin panel?
$txt['auto_index_message_no_board'] = 'N&atilde;o se pode visualizar os quadros, porque n&atilde;o foram escolhidos nas op&ccedil;&otilde;es do mod.';

//No active mod?
$txt['auto_index_error_no_active'] = 'O Mod Auto Index est&aacute; desactivado.';

Usuario: 4kstore
Rango: Moderador Global
Mensajes: 4916
Points: 8111
Mi web: http://www.smfsimple.com
Perfil: View Profile
Re:Automatic Index
Reply #3 September 26, 2011 - 11:32 23:32

Code: [Select]
|   SimpleMachinesForum
|   ========================================
|   SMF © 2006-2009, Simple Machines LLC
|   http://www.simplemachines.org
|   > Automatic Index
|   > Version: 2.1
|   > Author: 4kstore & vicram10
|   > Support: http://www.customsmf.net http://www.simplemachines.org/community/index.php
|   > Powered by:  http://www.customsmf.net
global $context, $settings;
$txt['auto_index_settings_title'] = 'Γενικές ρυθμίσεις';
$txt['auto_index_menu_button'] = 'Λίστα θεμάτων';
$txt['auto_index_title'] = 'Λίστα θεμάτων';
$txt['auto_index_description'] = 'Module - General Settings';
$txt['auto_index_guests'] = 'Allow Guest to view index';
$txt['auto_index_boards'] = 'Select the forums that will appear in the Automatic Index
<br />CTRL + click, if you want selected specific forums';
$txt['auto_index_active'] = '<span style=color:red><strong>Enable AutoIndex Mod?</strong></span>';
$txt['auto_index_qty_new_day'] = 'Amount of day so that a Message is considered still like New.
<br />Default Value = 7';
$txt['bn_select_all'] = 'Select All';
$txt['btn_save'] = 'Save';
//End Admin
$txt['auto_index_show_title'] = 'Αυτόματη παραγωγή λίστας θεμάτων';
$txt['auto_index_show_boards'] = 'Επιλέξτε πίνακες που θέλετε να εμφανιστούν';
$txt['auto_index_show_all'] = 'Όλα τα θέματα';
$txt['auto_index_show_button'] = 'Αποστολή';
$txt['auto_index_show_button2'] = 'Πίσω';
$txt['auto_index_show_new'] = 'Μόνο τα νέα θέματα';
$txt['auto_index_show_cantidad'] = 'Συνολικά θέμτα: ';
$txt['auto_index_show_cantNuevos'] = 'Συνολικά νέα θέματα: ';
$txt['auto_index_show_title1'] = 'Αυτόματη λίστα θεμάτων Πίνακα: ';
$txt['auto_index_show_new_message'] = '¨Οι γραμμές που ειναι σημειωμένες με <img src="'. $settings['images_url'] . '/'. $context['user']['language'] .'/new.gif" alt="New"/> αντιστοιχούν σε νέα μηνύματα μεταξύ ';
$txt['auto_index_show_go'] = 'Πήγαινε στη: ';
$txt['auto_index_show_author'] = 'Συγγραφέας';
$txt['auto_index_show_letter'] = 'Γράμματα';
$txt['auto_index_show_nuevo'] = 'Νέο';
$txt['auto_index_show'] = 'Δείξε';
$txt['auto_index_process'] = 'Επεξεργασία!!!';
$txt['auto_index_row'] = 'βέλος';
$txt['auto_index_powered'] = 'Powered by:';
$txt['auto_index_based'] = 'Based by Argento Coders Team Index Script';
//End AutoIndex mod v1.0

//No active mod?
$txt['auto_index_error_no_active'] = 'The Auto Index Mod, είναι απενεργοποιημένο.';
//End Automatic Index v2.1

Usuario: Zefiro
Rango: Recién Llegado
Mensajes: 10
Points: 0
Mi web: www.proarg.net
Perfil: View Profile
Re:Automatic Index
Reply #4 October 05, 2011 - 05:00 17:00
estupendo men.

no avatar
Usuario: besr
Rango: Nuevo Usuario
Mensajes: 69
Points: 1
Mi web: http://hunterxhunterassociation.com/
Perfil: View Profile
Re:Automatic Index
Reply #5 August 31, 2012 - 09:46 09:46
Te falta en espanol :(

Usuario: 4kstore
Rango: Moderador Global
Mensajes: 4916
Points: 8111
Mi web: http://www.smfsimple.com
Perfil: View Profile
Re:Automatic Index
Reply #6 August 31, 2012 - 02:31 14:31
Te falta en espanol :(

El español viene en el paquete del mod.




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