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Topic: La casa de papel

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Usuario: Cranberry
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La casa de papel
April 26, 2019 - 07:36 07:36
Hi Everyone! I am Peter. I am from the U.S. I know basic spanish words and I wanna learn more of your language. I only finished highschool. And I am working as a freelance programmer. I taught myself, trained myself and I always keep from learning. And now, I want to learn spanish. It is a very beautiful and expressive language. I like La Casa De Papel, I have watched it in Spanish and English. Any advice, tips or suggestion how I can learn your language faster and more effective? I can't afford to have a spanish tutor. I also have 2 beautiful kids. A boy and a girl. Thank you.
Usuario: Papá distante
Rango: Moderador Global
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Re: La casa de papel
Reply #1 May 01, 2019 - 03:27 03:27
Hello and welcome,

I would recommend you to check your favorite shows but in Spanish. I know it is weird first but it helps a lot.



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