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Topic: Any SMF/TEA pros out there?

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Any SMF/TEA pros out there?
May 30, 2020 - 05:18 05:18
I'm trying to setup our Simple Machines Forum install with Temars EVE API plugin to automatically check people's names on TeamSpeak so that if they aren't using the correct naming convention they get an error and eventually the boot.

As I understand it, TEA should also occasionally check registered forum member's API keys to see if their relationship with our corp/alliance has changed.

I think there are predefined scripts for this, but I just have no idea how to add them to the SMF tasks. Can anyone help me out? This is not my forte and the documentation for TEA is horrible.
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Re: Any SMF/TEA pros out there?
Reply #1 June 01, 2020 - 12:53 00:53
What did you already did and with what do you still need help?
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