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Topic: Posting Templates SMFSimple

Usuario: 4kstore
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Posting Templates SMFSimple
July 24, 2016 - 04:12 16:12
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Posting Templates SMFSimple
Developed by 4kstore for SMFSimple.com
SMF 2.0.X

El soporte oficial de los desarrolladores de nuestros mods lo encontraras en SMFSimple.com

With this mod you can administrate predefined posting content

Con este mod podrá permitirle a sus usuarios administrar plantillas para crear nuevos temas o respuestas

  • Enable - Disable Mod
  • Set number of templates per user
  • Configure which user groups can use the templates
  • Configure in wich forums can use the templates
  • Create, edit, view and change states of templates
  • Use the standard SMF editor to write the contents of each template
  • This mod uses hooks and one edition to the core of SMF

  • Habilitar - Deshabilitar Mod
  • Configurar cantidad de plantillas por usuario
  • Configurar cuales grupos de usuarios pueden utilizar las plantillas
  • Configurar en que foros se podran utilizar las plantillas
  • Crear, editar, ver y cambiar de estados las plantillas
  • Usa el editor estandar de SMF para escribir el contenido de cada plantilla
  • Este mod utiliza hooks y una sola edicion al core de SMF

Screenshots | Imagenes

Language Support | Lenguajes Soportados

- English
- Spanish_latin
- Spanish_latin-utf8
- Spanish_es
- Spanish_es-utf8

Posting Templates SMFSimple

Copyright 2016 | SMFSimple.com

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Usuario: Príncipe_Azul
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Re:Posting Templates SMFSimple
Reply #1 July 24, 2016 - 04:57 16:57
Hola querido amigo!! :)

Muy buen mod, te felicito!!

Saludos!! :) :)

Usuario: 4kstore
Rango: Moderador Global
Mensajes: 4916
Points: 8111
Mi web: http://www.smfsimple.com
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Re:Posting Templates SMFSimple
Reply #2 July 24, 2016 - 05:04 17:04
Gracias, parece simple pero fueron varias horas de trabajo.

Usuario: Príncipe_Azul
Rango: Nuevo Usuario
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Re:Posting Templates SMFSimple
Reply #3 July 24, 2016 - 10:06 22:06
Seguro que si, tiene buena pinta!! ;D


Usuario: Papá distante
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Re:Posting Templates SMFSimple
Reply #4 July 25, 2016 - 09:43 09:43

Usuario: FragaCampos
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Re:Posting Templates SMFSimple
Reply #5 July 25, 2016 - 10:15 10:15
This is awesome!
Thank you for another great work.

Does it support attachments?

Usuario: 4kstore
Rango: Moderador Global
Mensajes: 4916
Points: 8111
Mi web: http://www.smfsimple.com
Perfil: View Profile
Re:Posting Templates SMFSimple
Reply #6 July 25, 2016 - 10:37 10:37
Does it support attachments?

No, only the body of the topic

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Re:Posting Templates SMFSimple
Reply #7 July 25, 2016 - 04:51 16:51
Genial, gracias.

Usuario: gory1963
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Re:Posting Templates SMFSimple
Reply #8 July 26, 2016 - 10:56 22:56
Excelente forma de facilitar la creacion de temas, instalado , un detalle cuando abro para crear un tema y selecciono la plantilla creada no la trae. La plantilla esta tildada en verde , esta activa, lo mio jamas es simple.

Usuario: Papá distante
Rango: Moderador Global
Mensajes: 3504
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Re:Posting Templates SMFSimple
Reply #9 July 27, 2016 - 10:50 10:50
Excelente forma de facilitar la creacion de temas, instalado , un detalle cuando abro para crear un tema y selecciono la plantilla creada no la trae. La plantilla esta tildada en verde , esta activa, lo mio jamas es simple.

Dale en un tema nuevo de soporte, este hilo es solo informativo,


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Re:Posting Templates SMFSimple
Reply #10 July 28, 2016 - 05:28 05:28
buenísimo post

Usuario: FragaCampos
Rango: Nuevo Usuario
Mensajes: 46
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Mi web: www.docspt.com
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Re:Posting Templates SMFSimple
Reply #11 July 29, 2016 - 03:41 15:41
If there's interest in this, I would be willing to buy the mod and pay for the implementation of this attachment feature.
It would surely be an even more awesome mod!

Does it support attachments?

No, only the body of the topic

Usuario: 4kstore
Rango: Moderador Global
Mensajes: 4916
Points: 8111
Mi web: http://www.smfsimple.com
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Re:Posting Templates SMFSimple
Reply #12 August 01, 2016 - 07:54 07:54
If there's interest in this, I would be willing to buy the mod and pay for the implementation of this attachment feature.
It would surely be an even more awesome mod!

It makes no sense to add the ability to attach files.
First, because these files will be repeated many times in different topics.
Second, because the mod only adds content to the text field that in theory works as ready-made answers.
You may need to read the description of the mod again to actually understand how it works

Usuario: 4kstore
Rango: Moderador Global
Mensajes: 4916
Points: 8111
Mi web: http://www.smfsimple.com
Perfil: View Profile
Re:Posting Templates SMFSimple
Reply #13 August 01, 2016 - 07:26 19:26
Agregue un parche que hace que no importa la codificacion que maneje el foro el mod funcione correctamente con acentos.

Usuario: FragaCampos
Rango: Nuevo Usuario
Mensajes: 46
Points: 13
Mi web: www.docspt.com
Perfil: View Profile
Re:Posting Templates SMFSimple
Reply #14 August 02, 2016 - 07:05 19:05
If there's interest in this, I would be willing to buy the mod and pay for the implementation of this attachment feature.
It would surely be an even more awesome mod!

It makes no sense to add the ability to attach files.
First, because these files will be repeated many times in different topics.
Second, because the mod only adds content to the text field that in theory works as ready-made answers.
You may need to read the description of the mod again to actually understand how it works

You're right, I misread the purpose of this mod. I thought it was a template manager to create automatic topics.
In reality, it does something similar and it will be very useful for other purposes, unfortunately, it doesn't cover one of the biggest needs of my forum, which is a topic creator which accepts attachments. :(
Anyway, this a a great job and I'll surely use it.



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