Reglas y anuncios de la comunidad / SMF 2.0.9
« on: October 03, 2014 - 10:42 10:42 »
El equipo de smf libero hace unos minutos la nueva version de smf 2.0.9, en ella se solucionaron varios fallos...
PD: Muevan el tema donde corresponde.
! SMF tries to stick ORDER BY NULL onto INSERT IGNORE queries containing sub-selects with a GROUP BY statement, causing a database error (Reported by guest)
! "Show Results" button always shown for polls as long as you can vote in them (Reported by Chainy)
! Multi-select boxes for settings were broken when no value had been selected (Reported by Suki)
! Some mail providers screw up the activation link (Reported by NanoSector)
! PHP 5.4 changes default charset to UTF-8, which can cause problems with search results and PM notification emails (Reported by fun4us)
! Make sure opcode cache gets cleared when regular cache does
! Log pruning should only delete closed mod reports, not open ones
! Fix layout issue with manage permissions page (Reported by Antes)
! Adjust image check to not fail on "cellTextIsHtml", unless paranoid... (Reported by Arantor)
! Sanitize all package XML to prevent any XSS attacks (Reported by Arantor)
! Add session check when previewing posts to prevent XSS via from forged forms (Reported by emanuele)
! Sanitize maintenance mode title to prevent XSS attacks if HTML is used in it (Reported by guest)
PD: Muevan el tema donde corresponde.