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Topic: Glow And Color Title

Usuario: 4kstore
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Glow And Color Title
September 28, 2011 - 12:49 00:49
Link Mod

Glow And Color Title

Indice de Idiomas:

Archivos a modificar:
Code: [Select]

Cadenas a modificar:
Code: [Select]
<file name="$themedir/languages/Modifications.english.php">
<search position="end" />
$txt['name_color'] = 'Color Name:';
$txt['name_color_desc'] = 'Use a color to show in your name <br /> ej: #FF0000 or Red';
$txt['name_color_glow'] = 'Glow Color Name: ';
$txt['name_color_glow_desc'] = 'Use a color to show in your name with a glow style <br /> ej: #FF0000 or Red';

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Usuario: 4kstore
Rango: Moderador Global
Mensajes: 4916
Points: 8111
Mi web: http://www.smfsimple.com
Perfil: View Profile
Re:Glow And Color Title
Reply #1 September 28, 2011 - 12:51 00:51
Code: [Select]
<file name="$themedir/languages/Modifications.italian.php" error="skip">
         <search position="end" />
$txt['name_color'] = 'Colore del Nome:';
$txt['name_color_desc'] = 'Utilizza un colore per mostrare il tuo nome <br /> es: #FF0000 o Red';
$txt['name_color_glow'] = 'Colore del Bagliore del Nome:';
$txt['name_color_glow_desc'] = 'Utilizza un colore per mostrare il proprio nome con uno stile bagliore <br /> es: #FF0000 o Red';

Usuario: 4kstore
Rango: Moderador Global
Mensajes: 4916
Points: 8111
Mi web: http://www.smfsimple.com
Perfil: View Profile
Re:Glow And Color Title
Reply #2 September 28, 2011 - 12:51 00:51
tradução portuguese_brazilian e portuguese_pt

Code: [Select]
$txt['name_color'] = 'Cor do Nome:';
$txt['name_color_desc'] = 'Digite a cor que mostrará o seu nome <br /> ex: #FF0000 ou Red';
$txt['name_color_glow'] = 'Cor do Brilho no nome:';
$txt['name_color_glow_desc'] = 'Digite a cor que vai mostrar a sombra de seu nome <br /> ex: #FF0000 ou Red';

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Usuario: bruce86
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Re:Glow And Color Title
Reply #3 September 28, 2011 - 05:35 05:35
Code: [Select]
<file name="$themedir/languages/Modifications.italian.php" error="skip">
<search position="end" />
$txt['name_color'] = 'Colore del Nome:';
$txt['name_color_desc'] = 'Inserisci il colore con cui viene visualizzato il proprio nome <br /> es: #FF0000 o Red';
$txt['name_color_glow'] = 'Glow Color del Nome:';
$txt['name_color_glow_desc'] = 'Inserisci il colore con cui verrà mostrata l'ombra del tuo <br /> es: #FF0000 o Red';
<file name="$themedir/languages/Modifications.italian.php" error="skip">
         <search position="end" />
$txt['name_color'] = 'Colore del Nome:';
$txt['name_color_desc'] = 'Utilizza un colore per mostrare il tuo nome <br /> es: #FF0000 o Red';
$txt['name_color_glow'] = 'Colore del Bagliore del Nome:';
$txt['name_color_glow_desc'] = 'Utilizza un colore per mostrare il proprio nome con uno stile bagliore <br /> es: #FF0000 o Red';

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Re:Glow And Color Title
Reply #4 February 26, 2013 - 07:27 07:27
desinstale el MOD de mi foro SMF y me dio un error....

Code: [Select]
$txt['name_color'] = 'Color Name:'; $txt['name_color_desc'] = 'Use a color to show in your name
ej: #FF0000 or Red'; $txt['name_color_glow'] = 'Glow Color Name: '; $txt['name_color_glow_desc'] = 'Use a color to show in your name with a glow style
ej: #FF0000 or Red'; $txt['name_color'] = 'Color Name:'; $txt['name_color_desc'] = 'Use a color to show in your name
ej: #FF0000 or Red'; $txt['name_color_glow'] = 'Glow Color Name: '; $txt['name_color_glow_desc'] = 'Use a color to show in your name with a glow style
ej: #FF0000 or Red';


Espero que alguien pueda ayudarme!!


Usuario: nikooo14
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Glow And Color Title
Reply #5 February 26, 2013 - 08:06 08:06
desinstale el MOD de mi foro SMF y me dio un error....

Code: [Select]
$txt['name_color'] = 'Color Name:'; $txt['name_color_desc'] = 'Use a color to show in your name
ej: #FF0000 or Red'; $txt['name_color_glow'] = 'Glow Color Name: '; $txt['name_color_glow_desc'] = 'Use a color to show in your name with a glow style
ej: #FF0000 or Red'; $txt['name_color'] = 'Color Name:'; $txt['name_color_desc'] = 'Use a color to show in your name
ej: #FF0000 or Red'; $txt['name_color_glow'] = 'Glow Color Name: '; $txt['name_color_glow_desc'] = 'Use a color to show in your name with a glow style
ej: #FF0000 or Red';


Espero que alguien pueda ayudarme!!

Es un error en el archivo de idioma que tu utilizas, fíjate que en tu archivo de idioma y fíjate que ese código quede dentro de ?>

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